Sunday, September 9, 2018

Crazy Rich Asians - the review

The best:  The whole thing?

The worst:  Cheating sub-plot.

Comments:  Crazy Rich Asians is a movie about somebody meeting their boyfriend's mother.  And about elite high society in Singapore.  And about fitting in.  And about love.  And so much more.

Rachel Chu is happily dating her boyfriend Nick Young in New York City.  She agrees to go to Singapore for the wedding of Nick's best friend and to also meet his family, of which she knows almost nothing.  In an absolutely delightful scene, the news that Nick is bringing Rachel spreads throughout the Singapore elite at lightning speed.

And from there things get crazy.

I do not want to break down what happens in this movie, because there is no chance I do it justice.  It is full of twists and turns.  Singapore is featured and it is simply amazing to look at.  The people are an insane mix, much like in any family but with lots more money.  Nick's mother does not approve of Rachel - which a story that happens for the rich and poor, and is the factor that drives the movie through it's latter half.

Constance Wu as Rachel Chu was fantastic.  She played the out of place American fantastically.  Relative newcomer Henry Golding stole the show for me as Nick Young.  I loved every single scene that had him in it.  Gemma Chan plays Astrid, a cousin of Nicks.  Her role fleshed out the movie by adding some seriousness and sanity.  And Michelle Yeoh is a welcome sight as Nick's mother Eleanor, who carries the burden of driving the conflict without coming across as an "evil mother" stereotype, which she does perfectly.

Oh, and if nothing else see this movie for Awkwafina as Goh Peik Lin.  She's hilarious and unexpected.

Every so often a movie just comes together.  Each piece sits in the perfect place, the narrative harmonizes to make a rich, deep story.  The characters interplay in a way that feels real, and the situations are crazy but somehow believable.  Scenes are creative and imaginative (like I mentioned above with the gossip spreading), and sets are beautifully put together.  Camerawork is exceptional.  Emotions are palpable and echo with the viewer, laughter is heard in the theater and many tears are visible when the lights come on.

This is one of those movies.  I loved everything about it.  It is a breath of fresh air into the stale rom-com landscape, one that I hope is learned from and repeated in future movies of that genre.  I adore this movie. 

Rating:  10/10 - I honestly would not change a single thing.

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