The Prime Time Emmys were full of zip and craziness. It was one of those nights with repeated use of the words: shocked, surprised, snubbed and robbed. I had more jaw dropping moments than I could count. But, I do always love when unexpected winners win - and that is how it went down.
The predictable winners:
The Sopranos - Best Drama - end of its 8 year run, so okay.
Jeremy Piven-Best Supporting Actor Comedy - 2nd straight win. (But, man Neil Patrick Harris was ROBBED!)
America Ferrera - Best Actress, Comedy - shoo-in. Its kind of ironic - that she won for comedy - because she always makes us her speeches, and okay because of some of her wardrobe on the show.
The Amazing Race - Best Reality Competition - well - because no other show has won this category ever - 4 or is it 5 year running now...Amazing Race had it in the bag.
Then...everything else pretty much went off script. From a very mis-matched musical tribute by the Jersey Boys to the jersey boys of the Sopranos - (its weird to see people getting shot to Who Loves You Pretty Baby?) to Ryan Seacrest in a hideous get up from the costume department from Emmy winners The was all so very unpredictable.
Kathryn Heigl won? - Best Supporting Actress Drama - Hmmm. Just like the Oscars, I guess - whose Academy has a penchant for correcting mistakes and awarding trophies to actors who should have won for the year before. The Emmys did the same thing - Kathryn should have won for last year for all the Denny stuff...but really, I'm sad that Chandra Wilson didn't take it. Just like her character didn't get the Chief Resident position on the show...but should have because she was already running the place, Chandra should have taken it. So, yes. Surprise. Unpredictable.
Ricky Gervais - Best Actor Comedy - Wh-Wh-What? For Extras - which was hilarious. But, no one saw this coming...but his no show did make for one of my fav moments of the night the Steven Colbert - Jon Stewart - Steve Carrell celebratory hug. Nice.
Terry O'Quinn - Best Supporting Actor Drama - I'm all for supporting LOST - but wow. I really wanted anyone else to win. I love Locke - O'Quinn is a great bad guy - but no one expected him to take it. And he told us that he dreams of living on Wisteria Lane with those Housewives, I really wanted to know that.
Sally Field Best Actress Drama - didn't expect this. Not at all. But, we do really like her. I thought she was amazing as the matriarch of the Walker family this year. I love that I get to watch her on TV. But, really, I thought her nomination was the gift and celebration for the whole show - at all (and that nod for Rachel Griffiths too) - I never thought she would WIN. And then there was the controversial speech...oh, just let her say it, already - she's just standing up for mothers of the service boys.
James Spader - Best Actor Drama - My biggest beef of the night. First, I should say I am a fan of Boston Legal.. amd specifically of James Spaker. I do think he is amazing - but I can not believe he won again a third time - when Hugh Laurie has yet to win a trophy and James Gandolfini was up for his last turn on the Sopranos...Crazy. At least his was one of the more entertaining speeches of the night -as it seems he was as surprised as anyone - I loved when he said "I feel like I just stole this from the mob and they are sitting right behind me." Or maybe stolen from the good doctor...yeah, James, we agree. I hate repeat winners - especially when the didn't have their best year. Spread the love, emmy voters!
All in all - an unpredictable night. I liked the theater in the round - but no one else did. I thought it was cool to see everyone sitting together in their show casts and have them on camera all the time while everyone was speaking. Ryan Seacrest? Eh. Fine - not bad...just fine. Ray Ramano's stand up- ick. Funniest riff: Kanye and Rainn Wilson not forgetting the lyrics with Wayne Brady. Second Funniest: Brad Garrett and Joely Fishers presenter bit. They are funny. Most shocking fashion: Leslie Caron - I love you...but OH MY GOODNESS!! At both the creative ARTS emmys and the Primetime night - she looked so old ...and just like a little old French lady should, I suppose.